Thursday, September 23, 2010

About the New Dolls

In my previous post I shared about new dolls that came my way. I have gone thru all of them. I have kept all the Barbies & Ken's and 2 dolls from Germany.

It was agreed, that the dolls I did not want or feel that I could not sell would be given away to a charity. And that is what I have done.

Most of the Barbie's I already had in my store, there are quite a few Holiday Barbies that I do not have in my store, the plastic box on them are old and I don't know how they will clean up. These I will put in my store. The 2 German dolls do not have boxes or certificates. I have been trying to air all dolls out, it is a slow process.

As of yet, I have not put any of them in my store. There is a Princess Diana doll ,mint in box which I have put in my own collection. It is a 2nd edition, so it is rare but not very rare.

That is the latest on the dolls that were given to me. Take care, everyone :)